5th June 2020


Again a short blog as annoyingly the plans to combine face to face- suitably masked & zoom came to nothing- defeated by the wind, clouds & generally gloomy weather, what has happened to our normal June sunshine I wonder?

Given that various people couldn’t attend on zoom, I just sent out another painting to copy, & then withdrew it as ‘even’ I the ‘artist’ couldn’t reproduce my own painting! I obviously painted Profusion des Fleurs quite a few years ago, & sold it but somehow couldn’t quite master the profusion bit as I would have liked. Interesting how ‘one’s’ style changes & now my flowers are more watery & less precise, so again much easier to reproduce as relaxed easygoing paintings.

So back to the drawing board with a suggestion of trying out an exuberant sunflower, which one of the students has copied in his own style, see the gallery. Me too, & it was fun to splash out, drop in salt crystals etc, & generally relax.

We shall be going back to zoom next Friday, see the sessions on the web site for the next subject, which could be a challenge as it involves dark stormy clouds, rocks & sea, watch this space.

If anyone other than those closely involved wants to drop me a line, through the contact slot on the site, then I’m always happy to answer any questions if I can, & I hope the tips etc help you to paint along at home!